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Lectures delivered in International Conferences:


1. Hemoglobin receptor is a novel vaccine candidate against Visceral Leishmaniasis. Gordon conference on host-parasite interaction. Salve Regina University, Newport, USA. 12-17th June, 2016.

2. Leishmania acquires heme from host hemoglobin via a specific receptor: a novel vaccine candidate. Indo-Brazil Symposium. IICB, Kolkata.19-20th September, 2016.

3. Modulation of Rab-GTPase expression by external stimuli: a novel therapeutic approach against different diseases. Cell Symposia: Systems Approach to Metabolic Disease. Chicago, USA. 1-3rd October, 2014.

4. Superior effecicy of hemoglobin receptor as vaccine candidate against leishmaniasis. Indo-German Workshop on Chemical Biology of Infectious Diseases. NII, New Delhi. 20-21st January, 2014.

5. Recruitment of LAMP 1 by Salmonella-containing phagosomes without their targeting to lysosomes : a novel mechanism. 4th ASM Conference on Salmonella: The Bacterium, the Host and the Environment. Boston. 5-9th October, 2013.

6. Inhibition of hemoglobin endocytosis is detrimental to Leishmania. International Conference on Biology of Leishmania. IICB, Kolkata. 6-8th May, 2013.

7. Chlorpromazine and Chloroquine inhibit the growth of Leishmania in culture. Hundred Years of Antimonials: An International Conference. IICB, Kolkata. 23-25th November, 2012.

8. How intracellular pathogen like Salmonella recruit LAMP 1 without fusing with lysosomes. 2nd International Conference on Perspective of Cell Signaling and Molecular Medicine. Bose Institute, Kolkata. 8-11th January, 2012.

9. Hemoglobin endocytosis and trafficking to the lysosomes: a novel process to generate intracellular heme by Leishmania for their survival".10th IUBMB Conference: 'Infectious diseases: Biochemistry of parasites, vectors and hosts'. Salvador, Brazil, 21-25th May, 2007.

10. Signal mediated through hemoglobin receptor tail in Leishmania promotes the early endosome fusion with late endosomes. Keystone meeting on rab GTPase. 20-25th January, 2004.

11. Diverting intracellular trafficking of Salmonella to a degradative compartment by modulating the content of host GTPases. ESF meeting on “Membrane dyanamics of Endocytosis” in Maratea, Italy. 13-18th September, 2003.

Lectures delivered in International Institutions/Universities:


1. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Diverting trafficking of Salmonella to the lysosomes for selective killing by modulating the content of host GTPases. University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. 8th September, 2003.

2. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Hemoglobin endocytosis in Leishmania is regulated by Rab GTPases. Institute of Pasteur, Paris, France. 10th September, 2003.

3. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. How Salmonella evades intracellular killing in macrophages. Oxford University. Oxford, UK. 5th September, 2003.

4. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Salmonella modulate the host GTPases to survive in macrophages. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. 16th January, 2004.

5. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Signal from receptor tail induced transport of hemoglobin to the late compartment in Leishmania. Univ. California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, USA. 15th January, 2004.

6. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. How Salmonella avoids targeting to lysosome to survive in macrophages. Colorado State University, Denver, USA. 20th January, 2004.

7. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Diverting intracellular trafficking of Salmonella to a degradative compartment by modulating the content of host GTPases. University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, USA. 26th January, 2004.

8. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Receptor tails detects intracellular trafficking of hemoglobin in Leishmania to the late compartment. Chicago Medical School, Chicago, USA. 27th January, 2004.

9. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Sinalling through tail of hemoglobin receptor promote transport of hemoglobin to the late compartment in Leishmania donovani. Dept. Cell Biology, School of Med, Washington University. St Louis, USA. 29th January, 2004.

10. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Diverting intracellular trafficking of Salmonella to a degradative compartment by modulating the content of host GTPases. Cleavland Clinic, Cleavland, USA. 2nd February, 2004.

11. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Salmonella modulate the recruitment of Rab proteins on phagosomes and survive in a specialised compartment in macrophages. National Cancer Institute, Frederick, USA. 3rd February, 2004.

12. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Signals from the live Salmonella modulate recruitment of Rab GTPases on phagosome:a mechanism to inhibit their transport to lysosomes. National Institute of Health, Bethesda, USA. 4th February, 2004.

13. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Salmonella promotes fusion with early endosomes by recruiting endocytic GTPase from macrophages to avoid transport to lysosomes. Albert Eistein College New York, USA. 5th February, 2004.

14. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. How Salmonella evades lysosomal killing by modulating host GTPases. Cornell Medical School, New York, USA. 6th Febrary, 2004.

15. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Mechanism of regulation of hemoglobin endocytosis and its trafficking to lysosomes in LeishmaniaKeck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. 23rd March, 2006.

16. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Mechanism of survival of Salmonella in macrophages. UCLA,  Los Angeles, USA. 24th March, 2006.

17. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Mechanism of regulation of hemoglobin trafficking in Leishmania. University of Arizona, Tucson, USA. 24th April, 2006.

18. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. How Salmonella modulate the host trafficking machinery to survive in macrophages. University of New Mexico, Albuquarque, USA. 26th April, 2006.

19. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Modulation of host GTPases by Salmonella: a new modality for their survival in macrophages. M.D. Anderson Medical Center, Houston, USA. 17th May, 2006.

20. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Cytokine mediated modulation of the expression of Rab GTPases: a novel mechanism of regulating intracellular transport. A & M University, Temple, Texas, USA. 18th May, 2006.

21. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay (2006) Surface localized hexokinase as hemoglobin receptor in Leishmania. Northwestern University, Chicago, USA. 19th May, 2006.

22. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Leishmania acquire heme from hemoglobin endocytosis for their survival. University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, USA. 22nd May, 2006.

23. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Hemoglobin receptor in Leishmania: a novel therapeutic target. Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, Chicago, USA. 23rd May, 2006.

24. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Rab7 mediated lysosomal targeting of endocytosed hemoglobin is necessary for the survival of Leishmania. Dept of Molecular Microbiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, USA. 24th May, 2006.

25. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Hexokinase as hemoglobin receptor: A novel mechanism to acquire heme from intracellular degradation of hemoglobin in Leishmania. National Institute of Health, Bethesda, USA. 1st June, 2006.

26. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay (2006) How Salmonella frustrate host trafficking mechanisms for their survival in macrophages. National Institute of Health, Bethesda, USA. 2nd June, 2006.

27. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Leishmania acquire heme from the degradation of endocytosed hemoglobin: a novel mechanism for their survival. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA. 5th June, 2006.

28. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Cytokine mediated regulation of intracellular trafficking: a new mechanism. University of Pittsburge, USA. 16th June, 2006.

29. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. SopE mediated recruitment of host Rab5 by Salmonella-containing phagosomes inhibits the transport of Salmonella to lysosomes: a novel mechanism of survival of Salmonella in macrophages. Rocky Mountain Laboratories, Montana, USA. 30th June, 2006.

30. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Cytokines specifically modulate the expression of Rab GTPases though distinct signal transduction pathway: a novel mechanism of cytokine mediated regulation of intracellular trafficking. Institute of Curie, Paris, France. 28th June, 2007.

31. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Hemoglobin receptor as a novel therapeutic target against visceral leishmaniasis. Genentech, San Francisco, USA. 19th September, 2013.

32. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Hemoglobin receptor as a novel vaccine candidate against visceral leishmaniasis. National Institute of Health, Bethesda, USA. 26th September, 2013.

33. Amitabha Mukhoapdhyay. How Salmonella makes safe home in macrophages. Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. 2nd October, 2013.

34. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Hemoglobin endocytic pathway of Leishmania is a novel therapeutic target against leishmaniasis. Cornell Medical School, New York, USA. 11th October, 2013.

35. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. How Leishmania acquire heme from hemoglobin endocytosis: is a novel therapeutic target against kala-azar. Stanford University, USA. 23rd September, 2014.

36. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Hemoglobin receptor is a novel vaccine candidate against Leishmaniasis. Meharry Medical College, Nashville, USA. 26th September, 2014.

37. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Hemoglobin endocytic pathway of Leishmania is a novel therapeutic target against leishmaniasis. Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, Chicago, USA. 30th September, 2014.

38. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. How Salmonella avoids their transport to lysosome: molecular mechanisms. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Illinois. 6th October, 2014.

39. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Salmonella modulate macrophage trafficking machinery for its survival. Genentech, San Francisco, USA. 21st June, 2016.

40. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. Hemoglobin receptor: a novel vaccine candidate for leishmaniasis. Center for Infectious Diseases, Seattle, USA. 23rd June, 2016.

41. Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. How Leishmania acquire heme from host hemoglobin: a novel target. Univ. of California, San Diego, USA. 24th June, 2016.

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